
The Mount Sinai Institute for Translational Epidemiology (ITE) is committed to expanding the role of epidemiology in clinical research. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISSMS) is the home of several world-class clinical and research programs and is an ideal setting to establish a strong epidemiology research program to complement existing clinical and preventive activities. Our new concentration areas will build on existing clinical and research strengths in Chronic and Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Mental Health,  Occupational Epidemiology, Epidemiologic Methods, Cancer Epidemiology, Life Course Epidemiology, and Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology. Training, education, and health inequalities will be part of the research portfolio.

Our Mission

The mission of the Institute for Translational Epidemiology at the Icahn School of Medicine (ISMMS) is to develop and facilitate interdisciplinary, collaborative, and translational research integrating population studies, genomic and proteomic research, with the ultimate purpose of spearheading critical changes in clinical practice and improving the treatment of disease and patient quality of life.


Work closely with faculty and students in the heart of NYC


CONDUITS - CTSA of ISMMS, The Institutes for Translational Sciences  enables the translation of basic scientific discoveries into clinical practice by creating an effective, efficient, and centralized administrative structure.